
VME4CHI – Current HCI Research at Univaasa

VME4CHI seminar logoStarted in 2022, VME4CHI is a multi-disciplinary HCI research community at the University of Vaasa. We welcome students, doctoral students, and researchers from all fields working with topics related to HCI to join us for presentations and discussion. The group offers the possibility to present your work and discuss current research in the field. We gather every other month at campus and online (request Zoom link from the organizers).

On Wed 21.2. at 12:30-13:30, we invite you to hear presentations about to the ongoing HCI master thesis studies. Please note, that we meet this time instead of VME at Fabriikki room F366 (3rd floor).

Joonas Jylhä presents his research related to how UX designers utilize visual heatmaps created by physiological measurement tools. The study is conducted as an interview study.
Ellen Tahkola presents her research related to how cognitive stress can be minimized in travel booking systems. In her study, she utilizes bio-metric measurements, such as eye-tracking, facial recognition and measuring galvanic skin response. The presentation is held in Finnish.
Vilja Tallgren presents her research related to inclusive design of period tracker applications. The material for the study is collected through a qualitative survey.

The presentations will last appr. 10 minutes each. Part of the presentations are in Finnish, the discussion can be in Finnish or in English. After presentations, there is room for questions and comments, and also for general discussion related to the field.

We will have our next VME4CHI in April 2023. Want to present your work there? Please contact laura.havinen@uwasa.fi

We wish you a warm welcome!

For questions and for the Zoom link, please contact

Laura Havinen, laura.havinen@uwasa.fi
University Teacher, Information Systems

Rebekah Rousi, rebekah.rousi@uwasa.fi
Associate Professor, Communication and Digital Economy
Head of VME Interaction Design Environment

HCI (human-computer interaction) is a multi-disciplinary field, that is concerned with the design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them.

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