Visit Us

We’re happy to know you’d like to visit us.

The VME is an IXD environment for all; start ups, industry partners, students and researchers alike. Whether you’d like to collaborate with us, conduct research or even just have a look around – welcome!

To make a booking to visit us, please use the options below. If you’d like to reach out to us before you book, please visit our Contact page. There, you’ll find the contact details of the team members who can help you book visits to the VME, organise research and project collaboration and answer any of your questions about who we are and what we do.

Book a Visit to the VME

Staff members and students can book the VME IXD Environment in the booking system. Other visitors, please contact the VME staff. Please note that booking is only available 24 hours before your visit. Please contact us if you wish to make a quicker booking.


Henkilökunta ja opiskelijat voivat tehdä varauksen varausjärjestelmässä. Muut vierailijat, otathan meihin yhteyden ennen varausta.  Huomiothan, että voit tehdä varauksen 24 tuntia ennen tuloasi. Jos haluat tehdä varauksen nopeammalla varoitusajalla, ota yhteys.

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