Social media

Please Help the Social Media Monster


Have you ever felt a bit eerie when scrolling through social media feeds in the middle of the night? Wonder who’s watching, or watching you watching?

Social media monsterDuring February, the VME Interaction Design Environment is the home of the “Experience of Privacy in Social Media and its Design” study – a sub-project of the “Emotional Experience of Privacy and Ethics in Everyday Pervasive Systems (BUGGED)” project.

In the study, we examine what you think and feel about the social media space from the perspective of privacy. We look at where you look at. We follow your ‘spikes’ of stress, or maybe curiosity, and we observe as a whole, what maybe disturbs you within the design and interaction, with the hope of finding solutions.

So, how can you help the Social Media Monster?

Please participate in our study. The Monster is hungry, but rather than eating you, he’ll let you choose from a bunch full of goodies.

The study uses eye tracking software and non-invasive body sensors (i.e. finger sensors) while the participant observes their own feeds (privately), then different social media profiles on different platforms and expresses their thoughts on privacy. When you scroll through the fake profiles, your gaze and bodily responses (heart rate, skin conductivity) are measured and followed. Prior to the study, you will fill out a pre-study questionnaire, and at the end will be asked a few interview questions regarding the study task and your views on privacy in social media.

The study is conducted at the VME Interaction Design Environment at Technobotnia in February on weeks 7 9 (12.2 28.2.) and participation takes approximately 30-45 minutes. You can participate in the study either in Finnish or in English. As a reward for participation, you receive treats of your choice!

All data will be anonymised and all personal details that are provided on the ‘informed consent’ form will be separated from the research data collected. The study is voluntary, and participants can stop participation at any time during the study.

Attached to this message are the research privacy notice and study information. Goodies


Did we spark your interest? You can check the Call for Participants article on Jolla or contact Research Assistant Tinja Myllyviita ( for more information or further details on participating!


P.S. You can also reserve a time for participation in the Outlook Booking link below. But in case you cannot find a suitable time in the calendar, please reach out and let’s find an alternative time together!




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