When: March 21st, 12-22:00 and March 22nd, 10:00-17:00
Vaasa Games Days are back on their feet after a long pandemic rest. VME is busily collaborating with Teemu Närvä to deliver an exciting event in conjunction with the University of Vaasa Science Fair – Mission Possible. In addition to the monumentus games featured in Finland’s largest working arcade game collection, we have an action packed programme of workshops, keynotes and tournaments. All on the ground floor of Fabriikki, University of Vaasa.

This year’s VGD host is the stunning Wanda! One of the glittering faces of the Finnish games scene, Wanda is an advocate for science and spokes person for burning issues such as sustainability. She is the public bridge between science and games and has strong affiliations with Expa/IGDA the Jyväskylä Game Industry Hub, Digi and Game Center, and Psyon Games specialised in serious gaming for science learning.
Other personalities and experts contributing to the event are Jussi Loukiainen (Platonic Partnership & IGDA Vaasa), Kim Kupiainen (Critical Force), Mervi Kemppainen (AVOIN), Sebastian Laitila and Samaan Al Masalm from the Gamification Group, University of Tampere. We are also thrilled that Wasa Game Scene, led by Niko Muotio, will be hosting an action-packed Tournament during the evening of Tuesday, March 21st.
The event is free! Play for Free!
For more information see the Vaasa Games Days official website.
Vaasa Games Days programme
***[Please see the workshop programme for Tuesday March 21st below the Keynote programme.]
***And, the Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2 turnaus (game tournament) hosted by Wasa Games Scene – 18-20:00, March 21st!***
Keynotes Session (March 22nd):
Creative complexity – Game development and industry leadership today
Location: Keynote Room Fabriikki, F141
Day: Wednesday, March 22nd
This year’s keynote event, “Creative complexity – Game development and industry leadership today” emphasizes the inter-relatedness between game development, industry and multidisciplinary collaboration and leadership in science. The event is designed to showcase the scientific fields of the University of Vaasa, and how they are actuated in practice within the highly popular industry of games. Relevant topics include: leadership (creative and complex environments); business and economics (state of Finnish and international games industry); business ecosystems and collaboration (inter-business collaboration); software engineering and design (game development); academic multidisciplinary collaboration (for serious game development); sustainability and health (reinforcing learning and awareness); and ethics in the gamification of marketing.
This programme is intended to demonstrate the significance of the University of Vaasa’s game collection and how both the actions behind their development, as well as the engagement with the devices themselves gives way to exciting avenues of breaking new ground in scientific, technology, business, communication, and cultural-related research.
Time / Aika | Presenter / Puhujat | Title / Otsikko |
9:15-9:30 | Wanda & Rebekah Rousi | Opening words |
9:30-10:00 | Jussi Loukiainen, Platonic Partnership | Current state of the Finnish Games Industry |
10:00-10:30 | Kim Kupiainen, Critical Force | How to do the leadership work with love and show care by cultivating creativity inside the team. |
10:30-10:45 | COFFEE | |
10:45-11:15 | Mervi Kemppainen, AVOIN | Multidisciplinary cooperation in SG development – Case study: Forest Kids |
11:15-11:45 | Valtteri Lahti / Wanda, Psyon Games, IGDA (Jyväskylä), EXPA | Asymmetrical alliance: startup collaboration with large organisations |
11:45-12:15 | LUNCH | |
12:15-12:45 | Sebastian Laitila, University of Vaasa | Indie-Horror Game Development [Finnish] |
12:45-13:15 | Samaan AI Masalm, University of Tampere | Ethical concerns and dilemmas in gamified marketing practices |
13:15-14:15 | Jaakko Stenros, Tanja Sihvonen, Mathilda Ståhl |
Panel Discussion: Strange games This panel will dip below the surface and focus on non-mainstream games. We pick examples of strange games and play practices that hardly anyone ever talks about. Who is positioned as other and thereby excluded in mainstream gaming? There will be a short intro to three different topics and an interactive panel discussion. |
Everyone is welcome to participate in the workshops. Details of registration can be found below.
Day | Time | What | Company / Who | Where |
21.3. | 14:00-15:30 | How to recognize complex patterns inside different areas of work, that might be hindering each other from the leadership level. | Kim Kupiainen | Fabriikki Keynote room (F141) |
21.3. | 17-17:45 | Pelit, vaatteet vai kahvila? Mihin nuorten rahat menevät ja pitäisikö asialle tehdä jotain | Panu Kalmi | Fabriikki Keynote room (F141) |
21.3. | 18:00-20:00 | e-sports Tournament | Wasa Game Scene | Fabriikki Keynote room (F141) |
21.3. | 4 hours à | Short tournaments | ||
21.3. | 15:00-16:00 | Peliohjelmointia Micro:bitillä 4.-6. luokkalaisille | LUMA-Keskus | TechnobothniaTF4109 |
21.3. | 17:00-18:30 |
Ohjelmointia Scratch-ohjelmalla – koodaa yksinkertainen peli 4.-6. luokkalaisille |
LUMA-keskus | TechnobothniaTF4109 |
22.3. | 14:30-17:00 | Games & Ethics Learning Workshop | Galina Zvereva & Hairui Tang | Fabriikki Keynote room (F141) |
22.3. | 15:00-16:00 | Peliohjelmointia Micro:bitillä yläkoululaisille | LUMA-keskus | TechnobothniaTF4109 |
Workshop Summaries and Registration
How to recognize complex patterns inside different areas of work, that might be hindering each other from the leadership level (Kim Kupiainen)
No pre-registration for this workshop – Just come in!
A theoretical base will be offered during the workshop about recognizing complex patterns within work areas. This will be followed by open discussion, brainstorming, and reflecting on concepts that aid in identifying these patterns.
Pelit, vaatteet vai kahvila? Mihin nuorten rahat menevät ja pitäisikö asialle tehdä jotain (Panu Kalmi – in Finnish)
Registration for this workshop: by March 20th, here.
Teini-ikäiset ja sitä nuoremmat lapset ovat vielä vaiheessa, jossa he harjoittelevat rahankäyttöään. Tulleessaan täysi-ikäiseksi he ovat paljon haastavammassa ympäristössä, jossa tehdyt virheet saattavat vaikuttaa pitkään. Toisaalta nykyään koulut ja järjestöt pyrkivät tukemaan nuorten taloudellista kasvatusta enemmän kuin vielä pari vuosikymmentä sitten. Vaasan yliopiston professori Panu Kalmi pitää vuorovaikutteisen esityksen liittyen nuorten talouskasvatukseen, niihin liittyviin pelillisiin menetelmiin sekä mm. peleistä yhtenä kohteena, johon nuoret käyttävät rahaansa. Esitys on suunnattu erityisesti nuorten vanhemmille tai isovanhemmille tai opettajille ja muille kasvatustyötä tekeville. Myös nuoret itse ovat tervetulleita osallistumaan.
Games and Ethics Learning Workshop (Galina Zvereva & Hairui Tang) – For Adults and only held in English
Registration for this workshop: by March 20th, here.
During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to touch on ethics from different angles via non-digital games. You will be able to practice your ethical decision-making and argumentation skills, learn about ethical dilemmas in the workplace, or even be in the role of an employee of a Software Company, who will need to decide on a privacy policy. All this you can experience in a playful way!
Our games: LMX: The Game!, Privacy by Design, Ethics Argumentation game, Forum theatre.
As this workshop is a part of the research, you have the opportunity to contribute to science!
Peliohjelmointia Micro:bitillä (LUMA-keskus – in Finnish)
Kenelle: 4.-6. luokkalaisille
Registration for this workshop: by March 20th, here.
Milloin: Tiistaina 21.3.2023, klo 15:00-16:00
Missä: Vaasan yliopiston kampusalueella, Technobothnia-rakennuksessa (osoite Puuvillakuja 3, 65200 Vaasa), luokassa TF4109. Ryhmä noudetaan Technobothnian aulasta.
Tule tutustumaan ja koodaaman peli kämmeneen mahtuvalla Micro:bit minitietokoneella! Tässä työpajassa tutustutaan graafiseen ohjelmointiin koodaamalla yksinkertainen peli. Et tarvitse aiempaa ohjelmointikokemusta. Kokeneille koodareille on tarjolla myös vaativampi ohjelmointihaaste. Mukaan mahtuu 20 lasta.
Ohjelmointia Scratch-ohjelmalla – koodaa yksinkertainen peli (LUMA-keskus – in Finnish)
Kenelle: 4.-6. luokkalaisille
Registration for this workshop: by March 20th, here.
Milloin: Tiistaina 21.3.2023, klo 17:00-18:30
Missä: Vaasan yliopiston kampusalueella, Technobothnia-rakennuksessa (osoite Puuvillakuja 3, 65200 Vaasa), luokassa TF4109. Ryhmä noudetaan Technobothnian aulasta.
Tule koodaamaan tietokonepeli Scratch-ohjelmalla! Tässä työpajassa tutustutaan lyhyesti pelin suunnitteluun ja koodataan yksinkertainen keräilypeli. Scratch-ohjelmaa voit käyttää jatkossa myös kotona, sen käyttöön vaaditaan vain tietokone ja netti. Mikäli ohjelma on sinulle tuttu voit suunnitella pajassa omaa peliä ja aloittaa sen koodaamista. Paja sopii siis kaikentasoisille koodareille. Mukaan mahtuu 20 lasta.
Keskiviikko/Wednesday 22.3.
Työpaja: Peliohjelmointia Micro:bitillä (LUMA-keskus – in Finnish)
Kenelle: yläkoululaisille
Registration for this workshop: by March 20th, here.
Milloin: Keskiviikkona 22.3.2023, klo 15:00-16:00
Missä: Vaasan yliopiston kampusalueella, Technobothnia-rakennuksessa (osoite Puuvillakuja 3, 65200 Vaasa), luokassa TF4109. Ryhmä noudetaan Technobothnian aulasta.
Tule tutustumaan ja koodaaman peli kämmeneen mahtuvalla Micro:bit minitietokoneella! Tässä työpajassa tutustutaan graafiseen ohjelmointiin koodaamalla yksinkertainen peli. Et tarvitse aiempaa ohjelmointikokemusta. Kokeneille koodareille on tarjolla myös vaativampi ohjelmointihaaste. Mukaan mahtuu 20 nuorta.
What are the key themes and topics that will be highlighted in this year’s keynote event, “Creative complexity – Game development and industry leadership today”? How does the event aim to showcase the connection between game development, industry, and multidisciplinary collaboration, particularly in the context of the University of Vaasa’s scientific fields? Could you elaborate on some of the specific areas of focus, such as leadership, business and economics, collaboration, software engineering and design, multidisciplinary collaboration, sustainability, health, and ethics in the gamification of marketing?
Hi Ilmu,
Thank you for the great questions! Yes, the keynote sessions definitely highlighed the connections between game development, industry and multidisciplinary collaboration. All of the presenters were game industry practitioners with strong histories in university-industry collaboration. They demonstrated how game development is not a simple ‘idea–>execution’ process, and explained some of the challenges and strategies of working in multiprofessional teams. All of the global strategy-related themes require a lot of time and attention to explain. I suggest you have a look at who the presenters were, and check out their companies to find out how they address these issues.