Estève Pannetier is a cultural bridger, bubble traveller and conscious communication advocate. He has a background in Communication Anthropology and is Co-founder of, offering Conscious Communication Training, Coaching and Consulting to help other humans to communicate more effectively.
In this article, we’d like to tell you a little more about Estève, his insight into human-to-human interaction and his Periodic Table of Conscious Communication.
Estève will also be sharing his insights and helping you upskill at the Vaasa Summer University course ‘Beyond Green Design – ethics and sustainability as design strategy’. The course runs from 8 – 19 August 2022. Find out more about this course and sign up by 31 July via this link.
Cultural Bridging
Estève has a bilingual, multicultural family background. Bridging the coasts of England, Denmark and France, Estève describes his family background as being a ‘melting pot of cultures’.
It’s perhaps fair to say his family background encouraged Estève’s interest in human communication and interaction. He went on to complete a BSc in Human Factors Engineering at the University of Loughborough and then began a career in human factors and ergonomics.
His career has taken him to many locations, fields and bubbles; Estève has worked for the past 8 years as a Guest Lecturer and Mentor at Aalto Design Factory, and as a Startup Communication and Design Thinking Coach at xEdu for the past 6 years. He’s been a Human Factors Designer at IDEO, Communication Trainer and StartUp Coach, working all over Europe. If anyone understands bridging cultures, it’s this guy.
Bubble Travel
One of the things Estève mentioned a few times in our interview was bubble travel: the idea of getting to know different people from social groups other than your own.
“You don’t need to spend a lot of money to travel the world, you can bubble travel within the same city”, says Estève.
But, how exactly does bubble travel work? According to Estève, it works via a simple formula:
Identify your bubble
To do this, list your hobbies. This helps you identify the people and activities you’re accustomed to. Most likely, the people who take part in the same hobbies will have the same codes of thinking, similar ideas, values and vocab as you. “We all have a number of bubbles”, says Estève, “bubble travel is a hobby for me now”.
Pick a different bubble
It can be a local biker’s club or running club. Make sure you look the part – go to the local second-hand shop and find yourself something from that bubble.
Experience your new chosen bubble
“Go there with an open mind, ask open questions, and suspend judgement and just keep yourself in a curiosity posture”, says Estève.
What’s not bubble travel?
“If you go to Thailand with your friends from Helsinki yoga club, you’re going to talk about the same topics, eat vegetarian food. It might be a bit spicier in Thailand, but you’re still in the same bubble”, Estève says.
Estève warns that bubble travel can be challenging, but emphasised how much his students of Design Anthropology at Aalto Design factory enjoyed the experience, giving feedback like “‘I never thought there was so much diversity in my own city”.

Periodic Table of Conscious Communication
The Periodic Table of Conscious Communication came about in a very organic way. As Estève gathered more and more experience bubble travelling, he says he noticed a lot of different wisdom about communication, which he collected in mindmaps:
“It became so complex that I realised I needed to structure it into a metastructure. How do I do that? Where is there a complex structure of building blocks? The Periodic Table.”
Estève sees this Periodic Table of Conscious Communication as a way to help unblock communication barriers. Over time, he’s developed the Periodic Table into a tool for communication coaching.
How does the Periodic Table of Conscious Communication work?
At, Estève offers various coaching and communication sessions.
At these sessions, Estève starts off by asking people calibrated questions about the whole Periodic Table in an automated questionnaire. He then analyses their answers and creates a communication profile behaviour map based on this analysis.
He’ll present this profile to his client and outline the elements of the Periodic Table which may help them to develop their communication strategies, break out of bad habits and see the world, and other humans, in a different light. As Estève says: “One mental model can unlock a whole life change for a person”.
You can find out more about via this link.
Upskill with Estève
Estève will be presenting at the Vaasa Summer University course ‘Beyond Green Design – ethics and sustainability as design strategy’ on 8 August 2022. Together with Anton Schubert, Business Designer and Coach, Estève will give case examples and practical instructions on the topic of sustainable design.
You can find out more about this course and sign up by 31 July via this link.
Learn More about Estève and the Periodic Table of Conscious Communication
You can learn more about and connection with Estève on LinkedIn, Twitter and via his website
Could you provide more insight into Estève’s diverse career and experiences, particularly his roles as a Guest Lecturer and Mentor at Aalto Design Factory, a Startup Communication and Design Thinking Coach at xEdu, and a Human Factors Designer at IDEO? How has his background enabled him to excel in bridging cultures and working across various fields and locations?
Hi Ilmu,
In order to do Estève any justice, I recommend that you check his work out for yourself. 😉