International Terminology Organisations

See more in: National terminology organizations; Termbanks, terminological data banks, terminology portals; Terminological Education.

1. International organizations

Here are links to international or terminology centres, information centres, research institutes, associations, cooperation bodies, language planning, and standardisation organisations, conferences.


2. Terminology activities related networks for a region or a language or a language group

This list contains organisations and associations whose activities are restricted to a certain geographical or a linguistic area. There are established cooperational activities in several levels and areas and thus the classification categories used here do not exclude each others.


  • EAFTerm – East Asia Forum on Terminology. [?? 9.12.2021 an]
  • MABBIM – Majlis Bahasa Indonesia-Malaysia-Brunei Darussalam – Indonesia-Malaysia-Brunei Darussalam Language Council [?? 9.12.2021 an]


  • Termcoord. Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament. [ok 9.12.2021 an]
  • EAFT – European Association for Terminology [ok 9.12.2021 an]

German Speaking Countries

  • RaDT – Rat für Deutschsprachige Terminologie – Council for German Language Terminology
    [ok 9.12.2021 an]

Nordic Countries

  • Nordterm [ok 9.12.2021 an] (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden)

Romance Languages

  • AUF – Agence universitaire de la francophonie [ok 9.12.2021 an]
  • Cilf – Conseil international de la langue française [ok 9.12.2021 an]
  • Le Rint Organisation internationale de la Francophonie [ok 9.12.2021 an]
  • Realiter – Réseau panlatin de terminologie, a widespread network of lexicons with a special focus on Romance languages, dealing with the role of terminology in communication on a European and intercontinental level – Canadian French and South American Spanish and Portuguese [ok 9.12.2021 an]
  • RITerm – Réseau ibéro-américain de terminologie [ok 9.12.2021 an]
  • Union Latine – Terminologie et industries de la langue, une organisation internationale regroupant 36 états membres qui œuvre pour la diversité culturelle et le multilinguisme [?? 9.12.2021 an]. In Wikipedia.

Sami languages

  • Sámi Giellagáldu. One of the tasks is to standardise new terminology and written language for the Sami languages used in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Term base. [ok 9.12.2021 an]

3. Internet Information Centres, Portals etc.


See more in: National terminology organizations; Termbanks, terminological data banks, terminology portals; Terminological Education.


Note markings like [ok 12.3.2020 an] or [?? 12.3.2020 an] include following information

  • ok = service available
  • ?? = not accessed when visited – may be functioning and will be checked later on
  • date = the date of last visit by the Terminology Forum maintainers (initials)

(c) Terminology Forum, a global information forum for terminological activities & a non-profit portal for free terminological information online. Maintained by Anita Nuopponen, Communication Studies, University of Vaasa, Finland.

Comments to: Anita Nuopponen, firstname .surname @u

DISCLAIMER: Terminology Forum includes links to external websites. The portal is not responsible for the content nor guarantees the quality of any linked external websites.