See more in: National terminology organizations; Termbanks, terminological data banks, terminology portals; Terminological Education.
1. International organizations
Here are links to international or terminology centres, information centres, research institutes, associations, cooperation bodies, language planning, and standardisation organisations, conferences.
- Infoterm – International Information Centre for Terminology [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- TermNet – the International Network for Terminology [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- International Organisation for Standardisation [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- ISO/TC 37 Language and terminology [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- ITU – International Telecommunication Union: Termite – Telecommunication Terminology Database (TERMITE) [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- IAMLADP – an international forum and network of managers of international organizations employing conference and language service providers [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- ELRA – ELDA. European Language Resources Association. [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- SilvaVoc – IUFRO’s clearinghouse for multilingual forest terminology [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- SNOMED – Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- WIPO – World Interllectual Property Organization. WIPO’s Multilingual Terminology Portal, gives access to scientific and technical terms derived from patent documents. [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- UNESCOTERM – United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- UNESCO Thesaurus [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- World Trade Organization: Terminology Database WTOTERM [ok 9.12.2021 an]
2. Terminology activities related networks for a region or a language or a language group
This list contains organisations and associations whose activities are restricted to a certain geographical or a linguistic area. There are established cooperational activities in several levels and areas and thus the classification categories used here do not exclude each others.
- EAFTerm – East Asia Forum on Terminology. [?? 9.12.2021 an]
- MABBIM – Majlis Bahasa Indonesia-Malaysia-Brunei Darussalam – Indonesia-Malaysia-Brunei Darussalam Language Council [?? 9.12.2021 an]
- Termcoord. Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament. [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- EAFT – European Association for Terminology [ok 9.12.2021 an]
German Speaking Countries
- RaDT – Rat für Deutschsprachige Terminologie – Council for German Language Terminology
[ok 9.12.2021 an]
Nordic Countries
- Nordterm [ok 9.12.2021 an] (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden)
Romance Languages
- AUF – Agence universitaire de la francophonie [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- Cilf – Conseil international de la langue française [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- Le Rint Organisation internationale de la Francophonie [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- Realiter – Réseau panlatin de terminologie, a widespread network of lexicons with a special focus on Romance languages, dealing with the role of terminology in communication on a European and intercontinental level – Canadian French and South American Spanish and Portuguese [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- RITerm – Réseau ibéro-américain de terminologie [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- Union Latine – Terminologie et industries de la langue, une organisation internationale regroupant 36 états membres qui œuvre pour la diversité culturelle et le multilinguisme [?? 9.12.2021 an]. In Wikipedia.
Sami languages
Sámi Giellagáldu. One of the tasks is to standardise new terminology and written language for the Sami languages used in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Term base. [ok 9.12.2021 an]
3. Internet Information Centres, Portals etc.
- EAFT Directory: Entities involved in terminology activities [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- DTP – Deutsches Terminologie Portal [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- Terminology Forum [ok 9.12.2021 an]
- Termcoord. Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament. [ok 9.12.2021 an]
See more in: National terminology organizations; Termbanks, terminological data banks, terminology portals; Terminological Education.
Note markings like [ok 12.3.2020 an] or [?? 12.3.2020 an] include following information
- ok = service available
- ?? = not accessed when visited – may be functioning and will be checked later on
- date = the date of last visit by the Terminology Forum maintainers (initials)
(c) Terminology Forum, a global information forum for terminological activities & a non-profit portal for free terminological information online. Maintained by Anita Nuopponen, Communication Studies, University of Vaasa, Finland.
Comments to: Anita Nuopponen, firstname .surname @u
DISCLAIMER: Terminology Forum includes links to external websites. The portal is not responsible for the content nor guarantees the quality of any linked external websites.