Submission Guidelines

The Vaasa Servitization Workshop 2025 welcomes submissions of papers focusing on Business Model Innovation. The complete list of topics can be seen here.

When submitting, papers should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Although we welcome every type of submission, we look for submissions (beyond systematic reviews) that propose and discuss fresh conceptual and methodological avenues and provide fresh empirical evidence. Thus, we welcome academically oriented papers with solid conceptual grounding that should look for, but not be limited to, addressing the issues concerning integrating Digitalization and Sustainability into Service-Based Business Model Innovation.
  • The abstract should contain no more than 1000 words, including keywords, main text, references, tables, or pictures.
  • The extended abstract (for presenting at the Vaasa Servitization Workshop) should contain a maximum of 4000 words, including abstract, keywords, main text, references, tables, or pictures.
  • All extended abstracts should include main headings, such as Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Theory development (with appropriate sub-headings, tables, and hopefully an integrative framework), e.g., 2.1. Defining the concept, 2.2. Theoretical dimensions, processes, mechanisms, 2.3. Antecedents or outcomes; 3. Methodology 4. Expected Results 5. Discussion including 5.1. Theoretical contributions, and 3.2. Managerial implications.
  • In the extended abstract, headings, and sub-headings should be in the following format:
    • Second headings in bold
    • No third headings
  • For reference format, use American Psychological Association APA 7th.
  • Your abstract and paper titles should be written in the following format: Times New Roman, bold, 14pt, single space, the first letter of each word capitalized.
  • Extended abstracts must have the same title as the abstract submitted.
  • In text, use Times New Roman 12pt.
  • Line spacing should be 1,5. All margins should be 2,54.
  • Tables: Reference in the text. Table text before the table. Table 1 in bold. Each table must be provided in a separate modifiable word file – one table in one. In tables, use font 10.
  • Figures: Reference in the text. Figure text after the figure. Figure 1 in bold. Each Figure has to be provided in a separate modifiable ppt-file – one Figure in one ppt-file. In pictures, make sure the font sizes are equal to 10.
  • Thus, please submit the extended abstract and each table and figure in separate files, where the table or figure is modifiable.
  • Direct quotes: “In Italics” (Kohtamäki, 2019: 303). Page number after the year.
  • Provide 3 to 5 keywords that are used for indexing.
  • At a later stage of the publishing process, authors must highlight the keywords from the manuscript as provided by the editors for the book chapter.
  • Authors must declare any use of generative AI or AI-assisted technologies during the writing process upon submission. Such tools may only be used to enhance readability and language, with authors maintaining full responsibility for the content after thorough review and editing. The declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools, such as tools used to check grammar, spelling, and references. You do not need to add a statement if you have nothing to disclose.
  • Manuscript for special issue should be submitted to the provided scholarly outlet. However, for the book chapter, the manuscripts go through an editorial process and a double-blind review, emphasizing theoretical relevance. Please note that authors’ names must not be included in the abstract & extended abstract.

Important For Book Chapter Submissions!

Please use the following templates to develop your abstracts and extended abstracts for the book chapter. All templates are already in the required final format.

How do you submit your abstract and final paper?

  • Abstracts and final papers should be submitted here.

Marko Kohtamäki, Rodrigo Rabetino, & Vinit Parida