Johanna Hautala is Associate Professor in the University of Vaasa since 2021, Adjunct Professor in Economic Geography in the University of Turku, and Principal Investigator of BETH project. Johanna’s research concerns spatio-temporal processes of knowledge creation, creativity, and innovations between humans and advanced technology. As human geographer by background, Johanna advances our understanding of these processes from geographical perspectives of space, place, mobility, rhythms, and dynamics of proximities and distances.
Contact: firstname.lastname (at)
Marianne Mäntyoja is a Project Researcher of BETH project at the University of Vaasa with an MA in Organizational communication. Her previous research projects have been in the field of media studies and media pluralism.
Contact: firstname.lastname (at)
Dr. Mikko Karhu is currently a university teacher in University of Vaasa. He teaches regional studies at the School of Management. Mikko graduated to D.Sc. in the year 2022. His dissertation was about “Utopias and utopia-likeness is regional development”. His expertise extends from regional development, future studies (particularly utopias and utopia literature), literary geography to spatial relations and place-based nature of society.
Contact: firstname.lastname (at)