Guiding principles:

  • Anonymity: the names of individuals or organizations will not be revealed.
  • Voluntariness of participating in the research.
  • Before the interview, researcher and interviewee go through the basic information of the research, such as the key aim, methods and data, participating and voluntariness, and anonymity.


Privacy notice:

BETH includes three work packages (WP), and in each WP we collect different empirical materials.

Below one may find the general privacy concerning all the persons participating in the study (interviewees in WP1; notes from observed situations (video when agreed), written descriptions of usage of technology and knowledge creation, sharing and mobilizing, and mobility mapping of the informants in WP2;  survey responders in WP3).

Those who are interviewed will receive the privacy notice before the interview. The privacy notice will be discussed at the beginning of the interview.


Privacy notice