Johanna Hautala is Associate Professor at the University of Vaasa since 2021, Adjunct Professor in Economic Geography in the University of Turku, and Principal Investigator of BETH project. Johanna’s research concerns spatio-temporal processes of knowledge creation, creativity, and innovations between humans and advanced technology. As human geographer by background, Johanna advances our understanding of these processes from geographical perspectives of space, place, mobility, rhythms, and dynamics of proximities and distances.

Contact: firstname.lastname (at)



Marianne Mäntyoja  is a Project Researcher in the BETH project at the University of Vaasa with an MA in Organizational communication. Her current research involves how knowledge is mobilized, shared and created through advanced technologies.

Contact: firstname.lastname (at)




Roosa Wingström is a Project Researcher in the BETH project at the University of Vaasa. Her research interests involve the processes of creativity and knowledge creation in the digital age. Her PhD research explores the co-constituent relationship and spatio-temporal practices between humans and technology in creative work. In BETH, Wingström is currently working on how virtual technologies can support knowledge creation processes and public participation.

Contact: firstname.lastname (at)