
Thursday, February 11, 2021

The XLI International VAKKI Symposium’s opening words on video, chair of VAKKI Association Merja Koskela


12:00–13:45 (UTC+2)

Assistant Professor Emma Christensen (Roskilde University) and Professor Lars Thøger Christensen (Copenhagen Business School)

“Examining the (Re)presentational Voice”

13:45–14:15 (UTC+2)

Virtual coffee break

14:15–16:00 (UTC+2)

Professor Samantha Warren (University of Portsmouth)

“Using Instagram in a participant-led field study: Reflections on the politics of organizational communication and identity”


Friday, February 12, 2021

Time (Helsinki, UTC+2) Thematic panel session Time (Helsinki, UTC+2) Thematic panel session
9:00–10:00 (UTC+2) Käsitteiden omaksuminen ja käyttö politiikan ja lainsäädäntötyön kontekstissa: Tarkastelussa Suomen liikennepalvelulakiprosessi (2015-2019) (in Finnish) 9:00–10:30 (UTC+2) Digimaailman tasa-arvo ja multimodaalinen käytettävyys (in Finnish)
12:00–14:30 (UTC+2) 12:00–14:30 (UTC+2) Perspectives to responsibility in organizational communication
15:00–16:30 (UTC+2) Sprachen, Diskurse und Kommunikationsfertigkeiten im Berufsleben und in der akademischen Welt. Ein plurilingualer Sprachmittlungsworkshop 15:00–17:00 (UTC+2)