Good technology, bad applications? How blockchain is represented in Finnish media


We are glad to announce our new publication about blockchain in journalism.

Sihvonen, Tanja; Koskela, Merja; Huusko, Harri. (2020). Hyvä teknologia, pahat sovellukset? : lohkoketjun ja kryptovaluuttojen merkityksellistäminen journalismissa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka. 1, 17-30.

English title
Sihvonen, Tanja; Koskela, Merja; Huusko, Harri. (2020). Good technology, bad applications? Making sense of blockchain and cryptocurrencies in journalism. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka. 1, 17-30.

Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, kuinka kryptovaluuttoja ja niiden taustalla olevaa lohkoketjuteknologiaa on käsitelty suomalaisessa journalismissa: miten aihepiiristä on alettu kirjoittaa, miten sen käsittely on muuttunut ja keiden ääni teksteissä kuuluu? Analyysissa käytetään merkityksellistämisen käsitettä.

English abstract
This study explores how Finnish journalism has dealt with cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, and the underlying blockchain technology. The analysis is based on the concept of sense-making by Karl E. Weick. Using this concept, we analyse how journalism creates a shared understanding of this new technological phenomenon. We also study how societal changes associated with blockchain have been explained and made understandable to readers. To access these dimensions, we rely on text analysis. Our study focuses on 292 articles published in Taloussanomat, Kauppalehti, Tivi, Helsingin Sanomat and DigiToday in 2015–2018. We are interested to fnd out how blockchain technology and bitcoin have emerged as topics of journalism in Finland, and how coverage of these topics has changed over the years. Our results reveal how journalistic texts have made sense of this technology; whose voice is heard in these texts; and in which contexts these shared signifcations have been set.

Link to the publication

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