Links to appearances of the project in the media (most recent at the bottom):
15.1.2019 Vaasan yliopisto, uutiset
15.1.2019 Seinäjoen yliopistokeskuksen Epanet-uutiskirje 2/2019
17.1.2019 Urban and Regional Studies Group (Sente) Blog
17.1.2019 Vaasa Insider
23.1.2019 Botnia-Atlantica projektbank
7.2.2019 Mittuniversitet
11.2.2019 Mittuniversitetet
2.12.2019 Mittuniversitetet
29.2.2020 Mittuniversitetet
30.6.2020 Mittuniversitetet
27.8.2020 Mittuniversitetet
25.9.2020 Kansainvälinen Etelä-Pohjanmaa @ Facebook
14.11.2020 The BID4E project’s entry to the Arctic Award 2020 was published in Facebook:
28.1.2021 Wiebke Reim presented some results from the BID4E project as part of her presentation in the webinar “AI-BASERADE AFFÄRSMODELLER” organized by Luleå University of Technology.
15.3.2021 The article “Analyyttisyyttä pk-yritysten innovaatiotoimintaan ja liiketoiminnan digitalisaatioon” by Pertti Wathen and Jari Kolehmainen was published in Etelä-Pohjanmaan Kauppakamarilehti 1/2021
20.4.2021 The BID4E project’s two digital tools are advertised in a Finnish-language video on YouTube
18.8.2021 Wiebke Reim and Nerine Mary George presented their paper “Business model implications for digitalization-based SME internationalization” at the 16th Vaasa Conference on International Business
6.9.2021 An article by Pertti Wathen was published in the Finnish newspaper Ilkka-Pohjalainen
30.9.2021 Regional project result dissemination in South Ostrotbothnia during Tietoprovinssi 2021 (online event due to Covid19-pandemic restrictions)
26.10.2021 Facilitation BID4E gamified tool
26.11.2021 BID4E-analyysityökalut
Reim, Wiebke; Yli-Viitala, Pirjo; Arrasvuori, Juha; Parida, Vinit. (2022). Tackling business model challenges in SME internationalization through digitalization. Journal of innovation and knowledge 7(3).