Projektiryhmä/Project team

Annika Tidström


050 594 9421

Annika is a Professor of Strategy, University of Vaasa and a special researcher at Åbo Akademi University. Her expertise is within business networks, simultaneous cooperation and competition between firms. Other interest areas are strategy-as-practice, conflict management, change management and transitions to sustainability. Annika is involved in several EU-funded projects related to resilience, sustainability, digitalization and strategy. She regularly cooperates with firms and educates leaders, middle-managers and employees. She has published articles in several highly ranked academic journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Cleaner Production and Scandinavian Journal of Management. Her colleagues and teammates describe her as a goal-oriented, active and communicative person. As an educator she is described as being inspiring, energetic, down-to earth, but still professional.


Silvia Gaiani

Senior Researcher, Ruralia Institute

An agricultural economist by backgorund, she is leading a research on food, innovation and entrepreneurship towards a sustainable transition. The research is interdisciplinary and aims at producing data andknowledge that can support the active role of food companies in South Ostrobothnia and Finland and to promote an understanding of new business opportunities in the sustainable transformation of the food-chain.
Before joining Ruralia, Silvia has been a consultant for FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN) in Rome, for WMO (World Meteorological Organization of the UN) in Geneva and for a number of international research institutions in Europe including the University of Bologna (Italy), the University of Eastern Finland, the Center for South East Asian Studies in Japan, the University of British Columbia (Canada) and the Aalborg University in Denmark.

Hanna Meriläinen

Project manager at SeAMK

Hanna Meriläinen työskentelee projektipäällikkönä Kestävät ruokaratkaisut -tiimissä SeAMK:issa. Koulutukseltaan Meriläinen on yhteiskuntatieteiden kandidaatti (pääaineena valtio-oppi) ja hallintotieteiden maisteri (pääaineena ympäristön ja alueiden politiikka). Työtaustaa Meriläisellä on kansainvälisten aluekehityshankkeiden ja EU-tiedotuksen parista Etelä-Pohjanmaan liitosta. Viime vuosina työpöydällä on ollut erityisesti elintarvikealan kehittämishankkeita.

Hanna Meriläinen works as a project manager at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. Meriläinen has a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences (political science as major) and master’s degree in Administrative Sciences (environmental and regional politics as major). After graduation Meriläinen has worked with international regional development projects and EU-communications the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia.

Rumy Narayan

Doctoral researcher

Rumy researches transitions to sustainable energy systems. Her research interests focus on activating innovations across sectors, actors, and disciplines, while enabling experimentations, a complex process involving tools for coordinating and managing diverse networks. Blockchain as an institutional and social technology for managing and coordinating disparate networks of actors gains relevance in her research.

Hannele Suvanto

Doctoral Student & Bee Farmer

Hannele Suvanto on väitöskirjatutkija (KTM), joka yhdistää tutkimuksessaan teemoja yrittäjyydestä, maataloudesta, ruoan jalostuksesta ja johtamisesta. Hän on erityisen kiinnostunut yritysten välisten liikesuhteiden johtamisesta elintarvikeketjussa, lyhyistä jakeluketjuista, kumppanuusmaataloudesta ja ekoinnovaatioista. Hän on ollut mukana vuodesta 2005 alkaen lukuisissa kansallisissa ja kansainvälisissä kehittämis- ja tutkimusprojekteissa Helsingin yliopiston Ruralia-instituutissa. Hannele on myös mehiläistarhaaja.

Hannele Suvanto is a doctoral student (MSc in Economics and Business Administration) who combines scientific research with entrepreneurship, agriculture, food processing and management. She focuses her research on business relationship management in food chains, short supply chains, community supported agriculture and ekoinnovations. She has been involved in several international and national development and research projects targeting Finnish farmers and food entrepreneurs since 2005 in University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute. Hannele is also a bee farmer.

Taru Mäki

Taru Mäki

Research and Development Manager, SeAMK

Taru Mäki toimi SeAMK:n kehityspäällikkönä 15 vuotta ennen siirtymistään nykyiseen tehtäväänsä. Hänen osaamisensa keskittyy strategian kehittämiseen, projektisuunnitteluun ja -johtamiseen, laadunvarmistukseen sekä yliopistojen ja yritysten välisen tiedonvaihdon tehokkuuteen.

Taru Mäki was SeAMK’s development manager for 15 years before moving to her current position. Her expertise focuses on strategy development, project planning and management, quality assurance and effectiveness of information sharing between universities and companies.

Anni Rajala

Tutkijatohtori/Assistant professor

Anni Rajala työskentelee tutkijatohtorina Vaasan yliopistossa. Hänen tutkimuksensa käsittelee pääasiassa yritysten välisiä suhteita, yritysverkostoja ja pk-yritysten digitalisoitumista. Rajala on mukana useissa pk-yrityksiä käsittelevissä tutkimushankkeissa, jotka liittyvät muun muassa strategiaan, digitalisaatioon ja yritysten väliseen yhteistyöhön.

Anni Rajala works as an assistant professor in the University of Vaasa. Her research focuses mainly on business-to-business relationships, business networks, and SMEs digitalization. She is involved in several research projects exploring SMEs, for example, from the strategy, digitalization and collaboration perspectives.

Iida Alasentie

Research Assistant

Iida has a MSc in Food Economics and Consumption from Helsinki University and is a research assistant at Ruralia. She has specialized in food consumption, sustainability and behavioural studies. She has gained experience in research by working several years with Helsinki Regional Transport (HSL) focusing on public transport development and customer knowledge.