Johanna Arnesson (Umeå universitet, Ruotsi):
Influencer Relations: Navigating People and Platforms
Johanna Arnesson holds a PhD in Journalism, Media, and Communication from the University of Gothenburg. She currently works as an assistant professor in Media and Communication Studies at Umeå University. She is also an affiliated researcher at Humlab, an interdisciplinary research environment and technical infrastructure within the digital humanities at the Faculty of Arts, Umeå University. Her research focuses on intersections of commercial promotion and political communication, especially in digital media. She also has an interest in popular culture and internet histories.
Joëlle Basque (Université TÉLUQ, Kanada):
Exploring Identity Matters in the Communicative Constitution of Organization
Joëlle Basque is assistant professor in the Département Sciences humaines, Lettres et Communications at Université TELUQ. She obtained her PhD in organizational communication at Université de Montréal in 2013, and was Research Fellow at HEC Montréal from 2013 to 2017. Her research focuses on discursive approaches to organizational communication, individual and organizational identity, and practice theories of strategy and organizational change. She is co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization (2022). Her work has appeared in Organization Studies, M@n@gement, as well as The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods and The Cambridge Handbook of Open Strategy.