The 2024 Banking Research Workshop

Workshop Program

University of Vaasa, Auditorium Kurtén (C203), Wolffintie 32, Vaasa

Workshop Program PDF

Opening of the Workshop: 9:00-9:10

Denis Davydov (Hanken School of Economics)
Sami Vähämaa (University of Vaasa)


Session 1: 09:10-10:40

Financial Institutions, Instruments, and Development

Paper 1: Substitutability of Bank Deposits and Money Market Mutual Funds: Implications for Bank Lending
Anna Agapova (Florida Atlantic University)
Denis Davydov (Hanken School of Economics)
Discussant: Sami Vähämaa (University of Vaasa)
Paper 2: Global Bonds Redux
Bonnie Buchanan (University of Surrey)
Bo Han (Seattle University)
Discussant: Vanja Piljak (University of Vaasa)
Paper 3: The Financial Development-Environmental Impact Nexus in Emerging Economies: Unveiling Trade-offs
  Claudio de Oliveira de Morais (Central Bank of Brazil)
Roberto Van Meeuwen (COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Discussant: Denis Davydov (Hanken School of Economics)
Coffee break: 10:40-11:00

Keynote Presentation: 11:00-12:00

Global Political Ties and the Global Financial Cycle

Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham University)


Lunch break: 12:00-13:30


Session 2: 13:30-15:00

Regulations and Risks of Financial Intermediaries

Paper 4: Performance and Climate Risk in Microfinance Institutions
Iftekhar Ahmed (Newcastle University)
Ivan Diaz-Rainey (Griffith University)
Helen Roberts (University of Otago)
Discussant: Markku Kaustia (Aalto University School of Business)
Paper 5: Search for Motives: Why Countries Use Macroprudential Policy and Capital Management Measures?
Mika Nieminen (University of Jyväskylä)
Anni Norring (Bank of Finland)
Discussant: Bonnie Buchanan (University of Surrey)
Paper 6: Can Banks Weather This Storm? The Effect of IFRS 9’s Prudential Filters on Banks’ Incentives towards Corrective Actions 
  Sherif Elashmawy (University of Oulu)
Discussant: Jesper Haga (Hanken School of Economics)
Coffee break: 15:00-15:30


Session 3: 15:30-17:00

Early-stage Papers

Paper 7: The Seven Sins of Banking
Markku Kaustia (Aalto University School of Business)
Paper 8: Measuring Bank Competition:  Review of the Measures and the Empirical Work
Tomi Soininen (University of Jyväskylä)
Paper 9: Breaking the Glass Ledger: A Survey of Gender Disparities in Banking Careers 
  Sami Vähämaa (University of Vaasa)
Maria Zhukova (University of Vaasa)


The keynote speaker: Professor Iftekhar Hasan

Iftekhar Hasan holds the title of University Professor at Fordham University and serves as the E. Gerald Corrigan Chair in Finance. He serves as a scientific advisor at the Bank of Finland, as an honorary faculty member at the University of Sydney, as a research fellow at the Financial Institution Center at the Wharton School and the IWH Institute in Halle. He is the managing editor of the Journal of Financial Stability.

Professor Hasan’s research interests include banking, corporate finance, capital markets, and emerging economies, focusing on interdisciplinary questions and public policy issues. He has been involved with numerous academic research grants from governmental, national, and international science foundations and organizations in the U.S. and abroad. Hasan has more than 450 publications in print, including 16 books and edited volumes, and more than 350 peer-reviewed articles in influential academic journals in finance (JFE, JFQA, RF, JB, JMCB), accounting (JAR, RAST, CAR), economics (JME, JIE, JEGr, JEGeo), international business (JIBS), management (SMJ, JoM, HRM, RP, JBE), operation research (MS, EJOR), and information systems (JIMS). 

Dr. Hasan has served as a chair, committee advisor, or external of over 100 successful Ph.D. graduates from different universities worldwide. He has been serving on the Boards of the University of Economics, Hanoi, Vietnam; UNS, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo, Indonesia; Business School of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon; and Montpellier Business School, France. A Fulbright scholar and a Fulbright selector, Professor Hasan is also a recipient of “Changjiang Scholar” in China; “Louis Bachelier Fellow” in France; “Shimomura Fellow” in Japan; “Bursa Malaysia Chair” in Malaysia; “Distinguish Fellow” of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society; and received an honorary doctorate “Doctor Honoris Causa” award from the Romanian American University in Bucharest.

The University of Vaasa will award an honorary doctorate to Professor Hasan on September 20, 2024.  

Workshop registration:

Non-presenting participants are kindly asked to register via this registration form by September 11th at the latest. There is no workshop participation fee.

The deadline for paper submissions was on August 5, 2024 and the authors were notified about the status of their submissions in mid-August.

Click here to read the Call for Papers