The Annual Symposium of Computer Science 2024

10 to 11 June 2024, University of Vaasa, Finland

The theme of the event is digitalization of critical infrastructures. Critical infrastructures comprise structures and services essential in the functioning of activities of society. Such structures are energy, water supply, and health care, for example. Digitalization means development of activities in the way they depend on information technologies. Digitalization of critical infrastructures strengthens activities, and it is possible to offer new services such as smart meters and Kanta-service. The other side of digitalization is the increase of vulnerabilities: Cyberattacks are targeted towards digital services and cyber-physical plants and components. If these attacks succeed the plants and systems may stall.

The keynote speakers will raise vulnerabilities and opportunities of digital society. We will also publish the dissertation thesis and master’s thesis of the year. We will also have small conferences for researchers to publish their results.

The event is bi-lingual. Main speeches are in Finnish but the slides are in English. The conference part is in English.


Keynote Speakers

Kimmo Rousku, Our digital world – the role of the critical infrastructure in activities (The speech in Finnish, slides in English)


Antti Laine, Code as a tool to increase sustainability (all in English)


Peter Sund, Digital Critical Infrastructure and risks: between the soft and the hard. Finnish Information Security Cluster (FISC) (Speech in Finnish, slides in English)


Kirsi Karlamaa, Digital Critical Infrastructure – ruptures and uncertainties. Traficom. (Speech in Finnish and slides in English)



Registration to the event. (Registration closes on 3.6.2024).


Sunday 9 June

Unfortunately, we must cancel the Sunday programme because MS Tiira has broken down and the weather forecast looks too unfavourable for other options. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

Instead, you can join us in an informal get-together at Rewell Center on Sunday at 18.30. Let’s meet in the main hall on the ground level of the shopping centre.

Monday 10 June

Auditorium Nissi in Ankkuri

08.30 Registration and coffee

09.00 Opening words, Tero Vartiainen, Chair of The Finnish Society for Computer Science (in English)

09.15 Keynote 1: Kimmo Rousku, Finnish Digital Agency: Our digital world – the role of the critical infrastructure in activities (speech in Finnish, slides in English)

10.00 Break

10.15 Dissertation and master’s thesis awards. Presentation by the master’s thesis author. (in English)

10.45 Postdoctoral Researcher Petra Berg: Resilient Digital Sustainable Energy Transition (REDISET) (in English)

11.00 Professor Heidi Kuusniemi: Distributed AI for enhanced security in satellite-aided wireless navigation (RESILIENT) (in English)

(11.30 Lunch, restaurant August in Fabriikki)

Auditorium Nissi in Ankkuri

12.30 Keynote 2: Antti Laine, Sweco: Code as a tool to increase sustainability (in English)

13.15 Invited Talk: Professor Scott Kruse, Texas State University: Digitization of the healthcare infrastructure enables safer, patient-centered care (in English)

13.45 Break

Rooms F118 and F140 in Fabriikki

14.00 Finnish CS Symposium parallel sessions (in English)

Session 1 (room F118): Agile development and process models

  • Nirnaya Tripathi, Woubshet Behutiye & Minna Isomursu: Agile software development education in hybrid learning environments
  • Md Tanvir Hasan, Annika Wolff & Antti Knutas: Involvement of end user in scrum-driven organizations: Four anti-patterns
  • Kristian Tuusjärvi, Jussi Kasurinen & Sami Hyrynsalmi: How does migration to microservices happen? A survey of the Finnish software industry

Session 2 (room F140): Software development and design

  • Nelli Leinonen, Zheying Zhang & Timo Poranen: Evaluating keyboard accessibility of product filters on fashion e-commerce websites
  • Aki Lempola, Timo Poranen & Zheying Zhang: Comparing automatic accessibility testing tools
  • Chuyang Wu, Shanshan Zhang & Jussi P P Jokinen: Detecting changes in mental models during interaction
  • Nada Elgendy, Anna Teern, Pertti Seppänen & Tero Päivärinta: Design and knowledge requirements for human-machine hybrid intelligence in autonomous driving systems

15.30 Break

Nissi in Ankkuri

15.45 Annual society meeting (in Finnish, members only)

Restaurant Strampen

18.30 Dinner at restaurant Strampen, address: Rantakatu 7v


Tuesday 11 June

Auditorium Nissi in Ankkuri

08.30 Registration and coffee

09.00 Opening words, Heidi Kuusniemi (in English)

09.00 Keynote 3: Peter Sund, Finnish Information Security Cluster (FISC): Digital critical infrastructure and risks: between the soft and the hard (speech in Finnish, slides in English)

09.45 Break

Rooms F104 and F140 in Fabriikki

10.00 Finnish CS symposium parallel sessions (in English)

Session 3 (room F104): Data management and organisations

  • Yekaterina Kovaleva, Ari Happonen, Manuel B. Garcia & Jussi Kasurinen: Female-inclusive practices for software engineering and computer science higher education: A literature review
  • Saumya Munasinghage, Heidi Hietala & Nada Elgendy: A model for data management and governance practices for everyday business
  • Sampsa Rauti, Robin Carlsson, Samuli Laato, Timi Heino, Panu Puhtila & Ville Leppänen: Health data leaks to third parties in web-based health services
  • Laura Havinen: Effect of self-serving bias in IS success model – implications for e-learning system success research

Session 4 (room F140): Computer science in action

  • Olli Timonen, Toni Bomström, Nicklas Stafford, Samuli Määttä, Alireza Bakhshi Zadi Mahmoodi, Tero Päivärinta & Ella Peltonen: Kuura: Leveraging eclipse kuksa in vehicular data collection and digital twin creation environment
  • Alireza Bakhshi Zadi Mahmoodi & Ella Peltonen: Kubernetes edge/cloud continuum task offloading framework for vehicular computing
  • Shanshan Zhang, Chuyang Wu & Jussi Jokinen: Quantifying uncertainty in machine theory of mind across time

(11.30 Lunch, restaurant August in Fabriikki)

Auditorium Nissi in Ankkuri

12.30 Keynote 4: Kirsi Karlamaa, Traficom: Digital critical infrastructure – ruptures and uncertainties (speech in Finnish, slides in English)

13.15 Panel discussion with industry and general discussion (in English), moderator Heidi Kuusniemi
Digitalization of critical infrastructure – company viewpoints to challenges and solutions
Jyrki Keskinen, Wapice
Jani Hirvo, ABB
Ross Bailey, Wärtsilä

14.00 Information Systems Researcher of the Year award; closing words & event in 2025, Tero Vartiainen & organiser of the event in 2025

14.15 Special interest groups:

  • Teaching SIG (room Vuokko in Ankkuri)
  • TJT SIG/IS SIG (gathering in front of auditorium Nissi in Ankkuri)



We will meet on the beautiful seaside campus in Palosaari, just 2 km from the railway station. We start our days in Ankkuri (address: Yliopistonranta 7). We will have lunch and listen to sessions in Fabriikki (on the ground floor, address: Yliopistonranta 10).

Get to know Vaasa: City Map of Vaasa (pdf)

Accommodation in Vaasa

There are a number of good hotel options in the centre of Vaasa. It is advisable to book your stay as early as possible as availability will decrease. Here are some hotel options found at the center of Vaasa.

Scandic Vaasa

Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna

Hotel Astor



University of Vaasa

The Finnish Society for Computer Science