Seminaarit, esitelmät ja julkaisut
VAKKI Symposium, Workshop: ”The Age of Synthetic Communication”
Vaasan yliopisto, 13.−14.2.2025
More information here!
Rajapintapäivät 2024, unocoferece
14.11.2024, Tieteiden talo Helsinki, Nuppu Pelevina & Henri Pullinen: Political bots
Rajapinta & HEPP: Election year 2024, ”Elections in the era of AI – the battle of the presidential bots”, Rebekah Rousi, Tanja Sihvonen & Nuppu Pelevina
28.10.2024, 14-16, University of Helsinki, Unioninkatu 37, room 1066 or online
The presentation delves into the role of AI bots in the context of Finnish presidential elections.
Vuorovaikutuksen tutkimuksen päivät, Jyväskylä 11.-12.10.2024
Tyäryhmä: Artificial Intelligence in the Realm of Political Communication: Deep Fakes, Discourses, and Attitudes
Puheenjohtaja/Chair: Tomi Laapotti, University of Vaasa
- The rise of the make-believe – Ripple effects of AI and its impact on trust in communication Rebekah Rousi, Associate Professor, University of Vaasa
- AI-human interaction in political discourse Riikka Nissi, Senior Lecturer, University of Jyväskylä; Marko Siitonen, Professor, University of Jyväskylä & Mitra Raappana, University Teacher, University of Jyväskylä
- Uses of and attitudes towards Chatbots in political discussions – Presidential candidates used as pretext Tomi Laapotti, Assistant Professor, University of Vaasa & Mitra Raappana, University Teacher, University of Jyväskylä
Where does the evil live? Looking at the underbelly of AI
10.1.2024, Tampere, Crazy Town
The seminar is co-organized by the SYNTHETICA and EVIL AI networks.
Short talks (à 5 min)
- Here, there, and everywhere (Prof. Tanja Sihvonen, University of Vaasa)
- Evil dolls are here (Associate Prof. Johanna Virkki, Tampere University)
- Where does evil live? (Assistant Prof. Tomi Laapotti, University of Vaasa)
- Interacting with AI in physical – virtual continuum (Prof. Henri Pirkkalainen, Tampere University)
- Being nasty to bots (University Lecturer, Dr. Riikka Nissi, University of Jyväskylä)
- Building a digital twin of yourself (Prof. Pekka Abrahamsson, Tampere University)
SynthiFriends, Vaasa 25.4.2024
10.00 Keynote Kristine Ask: Roleplay, romance and chatbots: Fandom and gaming in the age of AI (+ Q&A)
Elevator Pitches:
– Tomi Laapotti + Mitra: A methodological pitch talk
– Rebekah Rousi + Tanja Sihvonen: Interaction design for humans and machines
– Pekka Abrahamsson+ team: How to build and deconstruct a chatbot
– Marko Siitonen + Riikka: Conversations with bots
Chatbot workshop
Merging Ludus and Mimesis: Playful Engagements with NPCs on TikTok, Tanja Sihvonen & Kristine Ask
- DiGRA2024, Guadalajara, Mexico 1.-5.7.2024
TikTokification of NPC Clicking, Tanja Sihvonen & Kristine Ask
- Tampere Gamelab Spring Seminar 7.-8.5.2024
Fake it till you make it? Tanja Sihvonen & Kristine Ask
- Median ja viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät, Tampere 12.-13.4.2024
Death becomes her -afterlife in the algorithm, Rebekah Rousi, Joni-Roy Piispanen & Tinja Myllyviita
- Median ja viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät, Tampere 12.-13.4.2024
AI is the answer… but who remembers the question? Laapotti, Raappana, Sihvonen
Diversifying Audiovisual Layers. On the Memetics of Sound on TikTok, Tanja Sihvonen & Kristine Ask
Rebekah Rousi +
- VAKKI, Vaasa 8.-9.2.2024