Submit your extended abstract here.
Guidelines for submissions:
Extended abstract
- Should be maximum 3 pages (excluding references)
- A4 paper size, margins to 2,5 cm (top/bottom), 2cm (right/left)
- Font size 12, font Times New Roman, line spacing 1,5
- Submit the abstract as pdf-file
- Reference style free (such as APA, Harvard etc.)
- Include the author(s) name(s)
Full papers
- Should be maximum 20 pages (excluding references)
- A4 paper size, margins to 2,5 cm (top/bottom), 2cm (right/left)
- Font size 12, font Times New Roman, line spacing 1,5
- Submit the abstract as pdf-file
- Reference style free (such as APA, Harvard etc.)
- Include the author(s) name(s)
Submit your extended abstract here.