
French 1 (3 ECTS) University of Vaasa

Time period: 23/9 – 9/12

Online meetings: Mondays from 2.15 pm to 3.45 pm

Moodle exam:

1st exam: from 21st of October until 27th of October

2nd exam: from 25th of November until 1st of December

3rd exam: from 10th of December until 17th of December

CEFR-level: Starting level 0, target level A1. 

Prerequisite: Completing the course does not require previous knowledge in French. 

Course contents: You will learn the basics of the French language. You will learn to tell about yourself and how to greet people. You will learn how to ask and show the way. You will learn to conjugate verbs and to form negative sentences. You will learn to express time and the vocabulary related to visiting a coffee shop. You will also learn the correct intonation of affirmative and interrogative sentences 

  • alphabet and phonetic alphabet  
  • French sounds and their spelling 
  • verbal conjugation 
  • gender of the nouns 
  • pronouns 
  • numbers 0-100 

Learning outcomes: You will be able to 

  • introduce yourself and your family 
  • talk about your studies 
  • discuss hobbies, weather and your plans for the near future  
  • use correct intonation in affirmative and interrogative sentences  
  • apply the most central rules of the French grammar 

Study material: All the materials are available in a digital learning environment. 

Teaching and evaluation methods: You will study independently with the help of texts, recordings, videos and interactive exercises in the learning environment and practice what you have learned in the weekly online meetings. 

The evaluation is based on the interactive exercises and assignments and three exams.  

Grading scale and evaluation criteria: Pass/Fail or 0-5 depending on the implementation. 

The assignments are evaluated with the scale pass/fail.   

Amount of work depending on modes of study:

  • Self-study 30 h  
  • Exercises 20 h  
  • Online meetings 13 x 2 h = 26 h  
  • Exams 5 h   

81 hours. One credit corresponds to 27 h of student’s work (3 x 27 h = 81 h).  

Link to the enrolment form.