
UniTandem (3 ECTS)

The schedule will be confirmed in November 2024.

UniTandem provides higher education students in Finland with a chance to learn languages and cultures through tandem learning.

Two students teach each other their mother tongues in one-to-one informal online meetings.

What is tandem learning?
Tandem is a method where two students teach each other their native (or native-like) languages in informal meetings, acting both in the teacher’s and the learner’s roles. Tandem can be utilized from beginner to advanced levels, and it can be used to support regular language studies or taken separately.

Step 1
Sign up to UniTandem by filling in your information and language skills in this form. Which language are you interested in learning and what is your starting level?

Step 2
You will get an e-mail if there are people who could teach you the language you’re interested in learning.

Step 3

When you have a match use the information in the e-mail to login to the learning environment Itslearning. Get acquainted with your UniTandem partner!

Step 4

Read the instructions and choose the topics or triggers that you find interesting. 3 triggers as a learner = 1 credit. You can study 1-5 credits.

Step 5

Reflect on your study process in the course blog, collect the outputs of each trigger you complete in your portfolio, and
submit the portfolio when you’re finished.

Step 6
Give your partner and yourself feedback at the end.

Step 7
The university coordinating UniTandem awards the credits and you transfer them to your university.